Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Copper collection

I like to add some sparkle to my kitchen with copper. I started collecting it a few years ago. First it started with molds then canisters, then what ever I can find.
Here are some of my favorites...
I just found this tea kettle yesterday at a Goodwill store for $3.00. I love it!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Craft Room

I have an area in the basement where I do my crafting.
But I hate to look at messes, so it's hidden behind curtains.
I bought a bunch of sheets from the thrift store and hung them on curtain rods in front of storage shelves. I also stapled sheets to the ceiling since our basement isn't finished. A valance at the top hides the rods.
It's my own little area for crafting and when I'm done I simply put things away and close the curtains.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tole Painted Trays...

I wanted to share some  painted tole trays that I have collected over the years.
I think they're beautiful, what do you think?
This one rests behind my stove. It's colors are perfect with my old,  gold counter top.
This is my favorite. I love the red color. It sits on my faux fireplace mantle.
This one is small and my latest find. I put it on top of the tv in the living room.
This large round tray sits on top of my refrigerator. I inherited this one from my mom when she passed away. I remember  she bought it  when we went to a yard sale together.
I really think these trays are beautiful works of art. I purchased most of them at yard sales or thrift stores for under $3.00.  Next time your out shopping, keep your eyes open.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hide the hose...

I never did like looking at the garden hose , so I decided to hide it...
I mounted the hose on the back of a picket fence. Now I can leave it out and it doesn't bother me to see it, plus,I have another surface to decorate.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer is ending...

Boy has it been cold here the past few days. It got down to 45' last nite.Pretty soon it will be time to change over to the fall decor...
By, by Bunnies...
No more bunny statues in the garden...
But I won't start changing over until the leaves start falling and the flowers die back..
Until then....
 Let me enjoy a few more days of summer ( if only the weather would cooperate).