Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Flower Fairy

Well it's been a while since I blogged. I'm finding that it takes too much time. I've been doing alot but I'll have to pick and choose what I post.
Since I made my fairy door a friend asked if I would make one for her daughters' birthday. Glad to do it - she's such a sweet girl- I thought I would also make her a flower fairy to go with it.
Flower Fairies come at dawn,
Bless the flowers,
then they're gone.
Here's how:

First I painted a face on a wooden bead and put a folded wire threw the hole

Next, glue on some moss hair :

Next , seperate silk flower petals and leaves:

make sure there is a whole in the center of the petals and start threading them on the wire:

Attach another wire across for the arms, bending the ends for hands:

Continue adding flowers for the skirt gluing after each petal or two, and don't forget to glue some on the back for wings. Bend the wire bottoms for feet. I glued some berries and a flower on her head. If you want, glue everything onto a stick to put her in a plant. And you're done.

Isn't she sweet? I have to make a few more....