Thursday, March 19, 2020

Painted white Kitchen Cabinets

During this time of social distancing people are feeling quite confined to their homes and wondering what to do to fill their time. Well, for me, that's a great opportunity to get done all those projects that you never have enough time to do. I've been wanting to paint my kitchen cabinets for a long time. So I took my time, prepped very well - which means a lot of scrubbing, sanding and priming, and got it done. From dark oak cabinets to bright white. I love the way they turned out...

before...                                                                   after.....

I bought these rose knobs when Pat Catan's was closing for pennies, I'm so glad I did ...

I also painted my walls the same yellow as the office and still have all my lovely vignettes..

above my stove...

I left the shelf wood for accent...

above my microwave....

above my antique hoosier cabinet...

I found some embossed wallpaper at the thrift store and used as my back splash and on the bar ....

I also recovered my bar stools...


Well, that's my kitchen. Now on to the bathroom.