Saturday, November 17, 2012


Haven't done much blogging at all lately.... but that's ok. I have been busy and recently I made a couple of cards for the up and coming holidays and I'd thought I'd share them with you.
this is one for Thanksgiving. The pic is a bit blurry - sorry. I did want you to see the sentiment I made on the computer. It's 1 Chronicles16:34. I always think people are getting thanksgiving wrong. They keep saying "oh I'm Thankful for my kids" or "I'm Thankful for my health". but who are you thankful too! Every good thing we have is a gift from God - so let's be Thankful to God in Heaven for all our blessings1

and here is a Cute little card that I thought might be nice for an invitation to a cookie exchange for Christmas
I hope everyone has a Blessed Thanksgiving and can make a loooong list of all the things you can be grateful (to God) for.
                               Happy Crafting :)