Friday, August 7, 2009

this year's garden

My mailbox has filled up nicely. I love sweet potatoe vines!

A plastic swan behind some hostas.

One of many birdhouses.

Oops, sideways! The side of my garage. I put shutters up and lace curtains inside. The wreath is made out of an old garden hose.

Another sideways pic, sorry. I picked up this old mirror and hung it on the fence.

This is the top of an old chimnea that broke off, a bird bath turned upside down and an old bird house I just found. (Another pic sideways)

Sorry , some of my picture's are side ways. I'm new to this and it's going to take me a few days to get the hang of things.

This year's weather has been great for my garden (wet and cool)! Since I'm in the shade I usually only plant impatiens and they need alot of water. Thanks to the weather, I haven't had to water much.

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