Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I always wanted a scarecrow in my yard but didn't want to buy one.
 So we made our own.
Stuffed some material and painted on a face.
Glued on raffia for hair and added a hat.I bought an old
flannel shirt and jeans for the clothes. Glued on some patches, silk leaves and sunflowers. Stuffed the shirt with plastic grocery bags and just tied on the jeans( I like the skinny leg look). Hung it all on some wooden stakes nailed into a cross shape.
Glued on a foam black crow and he's all done!
What do you think?
I set him in the corner of our yard along side a bamboo wagon ( garbage find ) filled with mums. The pumpkin on the left is actually half of a styrofoam pumpkin  that had a face carved out the other side. It was broken so I just fixed up the back and added a stem and some leaves and sunflowers. I still have to get some real pumpkins to add around. I always buy the mums that aren't opened yet so they last longer.

This is a little clay crow I just love. Isn't it darling? It only stands about 2 inches.

A fall pillow with Mr. and Mrs. Crow.
Some of my fall decor on my entry bench.

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