Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Recovering bar stools...

So, the other day I finally was in the mood to recover those bar stools that I had bought material for about a year ago. I had done them in dark green but they were looking a bit worn.
The color on my camera doesn't do justice to my pictures.
I had bought some gorgeous deep red upholstery fabric from JoAnn's a while back that I used. First, I removed the old decorative tacks. I don't bother removing the old fabric.As long as it's in good condition you can cover right over it. Then I measured enough to cover the top and fold under to staple to the back.

You have to flip the whole thing upside down and work from the bottom.

I could have stopped here but I like a more finished look with a trim. I cut enough fabric to go all the way around the stool and about 4 inches wide. I used my handy glue gun to hem it, you could sew it.

Once the trim was finished I glued it all around the stool about halfway down.

Again, I could have stopped here but I wanted to add some decorative upholstery tacks.
I had these stashed away in my tool box.
Just measure equal distance and hammer 6 in around seat just below top of trim. Make sure they get into wood or else they will eventually pop out, I've learned that from experience.
I really like the way they turned out, although the picture doesn't show the true color.
The red is warmer and darker. What do you think?

Just a little side note - I should have changed the date on my camera.
Oh well.


  1. That looks great! Spacify has wide selection of kitchen stools, kitchen bar stools, Breakfast Bar Stools & more to redesign your entire kitchen in latest style and designs.

  2. I love to recover things that are easy like that. I'd love to know how to recover a chair or something more sophisticated.


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