Thursday, January 14, 2010

Project #1 - Rose pictures....

Well, I have a room in my house that I've been meaning to update. It's okay as it is but it doesn't have that wow feel and it's a bit out-dated. It's my entry room. It's done in blue and very 80's country. I'm going to change the accessories and make it more cottage/garden. I always have fun changing things up. If I had the money and time I'd probably gut the whole room,
 but I don't so I'm not.
The first thing I'll be doing is making some accessories
 to go in the room. I'll be sharing them as the days go on.

Project #1
I have this old book that has pictures of roses in it,
I thought that would be great to use to frame a couple of pictures.
Cottage style can always use roses.
The book is really old but has great pics of roses. I want to add a bit of red
 to the room so these are the two I chose...
I had these old picture frames that will work just fine...
a little black paint....
I decided to go with a green matt. I simply cut the paper
to fit the frame and matted the picture on top of it...
I also added a touch of gold to highlight the frame...
Here's the result without the gold, I took the picture before I added it...
I really like the way they turned out.
I'm not going to put them up until I finish some other projects.
Stay tuned....

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