Friday, March 14, 2014

Hankie Hanger...

I collect all these beautiful Hankies... everytime I'm at a thrift store or a yard sale I pick some up. I usually only pay 10 or 25 cents. I have just been letting then pile up on my dresser but you really can't appreciate all their beauty like that. So I decided to make a hanger for them.

 It's so simple to make you might want to make one for yourself. All I did was cut some bamboo skewers to about 5inches and glued them between ribbon...
I put ribbon on top also and glued a button on each spot so you couldn't see the glue...
I ironed every hankie so it would lay just right and then I figured out what order I wanted them in....
It's kind of like a miniature ladder.  I layered them so the pretty embroidery would be show-cased.
At first I hung it on the side of my red hutch.....
but I think they were too delicate there so I moved them to the side of my tea pots...
they don't stand out as much, but I like them better there. Now I can enjoy them everyday! :)

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