Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Christmas Home Tour 2020 - Living Room

 My living room is quite small but it has served us well over the years. It doesn't matter if you have a big fancy house or lots of expensive toys, what matters are the memories shared and the love between family and friends. People matter most of all. When my children were little, our house didn't feel so small but now that my sons are grown there are times when things feel a bit tight, but that's ok. I love when they are all home and we are together no matter how tight things get. So, even though I have been showing how I decorate my home with things, know that the most precious of all aren't things but the people we love.

with that being said here is my living room....

                    A big chair is moved to another room to make room for the Christmas tree...

The vintage Santa topper is a reminder of my childhood, it's the exact one my mother used to top our tree with...

 I love the old fashioned tinsel and the simple red , white, silver and gold colors...

           two paper mache deer that I painted white and glittered guard the presents...

                  My coffee table gets changed for the seasons...

I found this red truck at Goodwill it's actually a brick...

              vintage tin ash trays ( of course no one here smokes ) I found at an estate sale, 

                          anything vintage tugs at my heartstrings...

                       I have a shelf above my sofa...

                      and one I use as a mantle to display family photos...

                    two matching bookcases on either side of the doorway....

The doorway between my dining and living rooms...

We have a large window across from the sofa where I have a narrow shelf unit , 
it's hard to get a  good picture because of the light...

           so that's my living room for Christmas, this year we will be missing a few loved ones,
                               but we still cherish the love of family and the memories shared....

what next? come back to find out....

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