Thursday, December 10, 2009

Warm childhood Christmas memories....

Do you have any special memories of Christmas when you were a child? Maybe all the decorations, or the cookies you would make with your mom, or sitting in your warm pj's after a nice bath and looking out the window at the beautiful white snow falling. How about the smell of turkey first thing in the morning or the wonder of searching for your present under the tree? Well, I cherish all those memories. But, when I got older and my mom was selling our childhood home, she asked what I wanted. I told her all I really wanted was that old Santa she used to put on top of the Christmas tree. It wasn't anything fancy, but when I thought about it, it gave me all those warm fuzzies you get when you think back. Well, unfortunately my sister threw the santa away a long time ago because it was broken. I was very angry and disappointed. Then, one day I thought, just maybe, let me google it. And what do you know? I found one on ebay. Exactly like I remembered. And when I saw it, all those warm fuzzies returned.
It's amazing how the simple little things can warm our hearts. The santa is now sitting on my Christmas tree and I will never throw it away....

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Oh Christine sweetie...
    I so love this post. Your story is so heart warming. I love the little Santa. Isn't something how when I heart desire is such a simple request, God seems to provide. He helped you replace what had been taken from you, and gave you back what you desired most. I just love it. He looks so festive. Thank you for sharing.

    I think for me, my warm childhood memory of Christmas, was getting to see all the cousins, and the wonderful food at all the grandparents homes. We had a large family and so many to see and visit. We were so blessed in those times. It has given me many wonderful memories to live on all these years.

    Stop by and say hi. I so love it when you do.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  2. OMG....I have a story almost just like yours!! And I took pics this morning of him....going to download them now to post on my blob!!! Thanks for the shared memory!!


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