Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, another year over. Time to start a new. I always like the way I feel when a new year begins, a fresh start. I'm sure my resolutions are like most... eat better, exercise, lose some weight. One of the new resolutions for me though is to stop spending money and start using up the things I already have, especially craft and home decor. I love going to the thrift store and finding bargains but I have been doing that way too much. I have to go through all the stuff I have and use it. I need to change some of my decor with some of the pretties that I bought and are just sitting and I need to start using up my craft supplies. I think I have enough to fill a whole store! Since the weather is cold and gloomy it's a great time to clean out and sort through.
How about you? Any new resolutions!

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