Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tree of Gondor

It all started because my son got an actual sword from his girlfriend for Christmas. We wanted to creat a cool looking hanger for it and after going through all our doodads in the house we found the perfect thing - antlers. My husband cut them and drilled holes and mounted them to the wall perfect - but then the wall behind it looked bare so I decided to paint the Tree of Gondor (Lord Of The Rings - we are big fans ) on the wall behind it. First, I found a picture of the tree on the internet and then I free handed it onto a larger piece of paper.

Insted of using carbon paper I simply scribbled pencil on the back side of the lines. When I traced over the picture the lines came on the wall. I only drew half of the tree so the other side would be identicle. You can see the antlers in this picture.
 After transfering it to the wall I painted it.

I did the same with the stars at the top...
The tree is really dark blue but it looks black....
I love the way it turned out. It fills the space perfectly, and the sword....
fits right in the center.

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