Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Purse storage/display

Does anyone else have too many purses?!

 There's just something about a cute purse that I just can't pass up especially if it comes from a yard sale and only costs $1.00. And I do like to match my purse to my outfit. And there are seasonal purses - some I would never use in summer or winter.  Well , where to put them all is the problem. I wish I had a great big (or small for that matter) walk- in closet but I don't.  I did have them in my closet but my closet is soooo tiny  they were piling up. Some were on the top shelf and some on the floor of the closet which made it a pain to get to, so I was thinking that I could hang them on the wall. But where? I really don't have much wall space.

                                                             Behind the door!

I was going to use nice hooks but I thought that would cost too much and besides you won't see them anyway so I just used long screws. The purses are light enough so I didn't have to find studs. I started at the bottom, one purse at a time, and just put the screw where I would hang the strap. These are the ones I use the most ( there are still some in the closet) and just my summer ones. I will have to switch it out in the fall. But I do love the way it turned out - easy access and I can see what I have and the door still opens - yes!
 And yes I have too many necklaces! I have them hanging on the back of the door which makes them easy to see and they don't get tangled.
I sure would like to hear how you store your purses.

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