Friday, December 11, 2020

Christmas outside 2020 cont'd

 Continuing the tour of my Christmas decorations. Today it's my outside by the side door.


I pretty much keep it the same every year just updating a couple of things. The ribbon gets a bit nasty after a while so I freshened up the ribbon; added a bit of the black and white here and there...

The shelf I keep by the door gets decorated for different holidays, the santa is an old water ski I painted years ago...

I have another milk can and fence on this side of the house that stays up all the time...

I keep the wreath on this side of the house simple...

I love my wooden screen door, my husband helped me make it one year for mother's day...

Snowmen just make me happy...

We found these window boxes for $1 at a yard sale, just added some ribbon and poinsettias...

A few more snowmen and red added to shelves and knick knacks and that's it...

So do you think I do too much? That's ok. I enjoy it. It takes a bit of work but once it's up I can just relax and enjoy it. My home makes me happy and makes me feel joyful  whenever I see it and we can all use a reason to smile in this world today.

Next time, inside...

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